LAP 70!!!


Really?   70?  Jeez…


This week, I will start on my 70th lap around the Sun.  I can remember when I thought that was really old!  It is, but wow. 

This will be my usual stream of random consciousness, thoughts about the world etc.

But first, an update on yours truly:


In my last entry, I related my experiences with prostate cancer and treatment.  I finished radiation treatments in early October.  In December, I had blood work done so that the doctors could get a look-see at my PSA.  I was supposed to see the oncologist on January 4 and the urologist on January 11.  The oncologist rescheduled. So, it was up to the urologist to tell me what the numbers mean. 

My PSA is, effectively, zero.  Nada. Zilch.  (it is actually a miniscule number, but it is unlikely to ever be zero, so the docs deem the low number as “0”.  That is wonderful news!  It means that the cancer is, at least for now, gone or in hiding. (It can reoccur)  After talking to the urologist about the hormone suppression treatments, I decided to hold off and see what the oncologist has to say before continuing. The side effects of hormone suppression are awful.  Fatigue, hot flashes, weight gain, being very emotional, higher blood pressure, balance problems…the list goes on.  (Yes, I know it sounds like menopause!)  Its possible that we will be doing the therapy intermittently--I’ll wait and see what the  oncologist has to say before deciding. 

Just two observations about cancer and doctors:   Everything is couched in percentages of probability.  For instance, Ninety percent of those men who followed a given course of treatment lived 20% longer.  That tells me that they just don’t know.  If you get strep throat, the doctor is certain that some antibiotic will cure it.  Not so with cancer, which doesn’t play by any rules, and modern medicine can’t figure out if it even has rules.

The  other observation is that nothing seems urgent.  Not sure why, maybe it’s just because they don’t know. 

That is my current “medical report.”


So, all one has to do is watch, read, or listen to the news to see that our world is really screwed up!  I could pontificate on my thoughts , but I can’t imagine that anyone cares what I think , nor am I vain enough to think that someone must. If you ask what I think about the wars in the Middle East, or Ukraine, or politics in general, I will tell you, but if and ONLY IF you do not try and convince me to see it your way, and we show each other the respect due to a fellow child of God. We will simply have to acknowledge that we disagree and have another drink! 

 I don’t do social media.  It’s a cesspool that appeals to our worst instincts. The corporations that operate social media platforms know it, and that it’s addictive in a very real sense—the blue light from the screens stimulates the parts of our brains that cause addictions.  Heard an interview  with a couple of Google (Meta) engineers that severely limit their kid’s usage. 

Just think, the folks in government that think our kids can be educated online are actually encouraging its use.  How’s that working out?


I don’t trust AI.  I suppose that recreating the voice or talents of a deceased artist is relatively harmless, but I most definitely do NOT believe that it should be placed in full control of ANYTHING. 


We have lost our sense of wonder and awe.  We think that we can understand everything and fix everything.  When Adam and Eve thought such a thing, we should have learned what happens when we mess with things we have no business dealing with.

COVID anyone? Nuclear weapons?

There are many things that we have NO understanding of, and therefore will never be able to control.  We need to , say, watch a sunrise or sunset and realize that there never was one exactly like it, and that there never will be.  Which should make us wonder how such things came to be.  Which should bring about a sense of awe, a sense of God’s majesty and power.  

But recent surveys indicate that an increasing  number of people do not believe in God.  I guess I have to ask them how that is working out for them.

For the duration of Lap 70, I intend to daily renew my sense of awe and wonder, know that I cannot understand everything, and rely on my Lord to guide me through the storm. 


That’s enough for now.  See you soon!


The LORD is my shepherd;*

there is nothing I lack.

In green pastures he makes me lie down;

to still waters he leads me;

He restores my soul.

He guides me along right paths*

for the sake of his name.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil, for you are with me;

Your rod and your staff comfort me.

Psalm 23


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