Random thoughts for the 63rd Lap


I am beginning my 63rd lap around the Sun.   That is hard to imagine, but it is a fact, and, as John Adams famously said,"facts are stubborn things."

Please indulge me and read on as I let out with another random stream of consciousness. As before, it is in no particular order...

Social media is brilliant!  Who would have thought that allowing people a way to be obnoxious boors and total assholes in front of the entire world would be so profitable!  Wish I had thought of it.

In the Bible, during Pilate's interrogation of Jesus, according to John, "Pilate saith unto Him, What is truth?"  I am thinking that truth is what one believes, and that facts exist independent of truth.   Lawyers, some "scientists," (and all politicians) make a living taking facts and manipulating them into "truths."

The fact is that Donald Trump was elected President of the United States of America.  Get over it.   He wasn't my first choice either, but I accept it as fact.  

Loss is something everyone experiences in life.  It logically follows that grief is, therefore, a normal part of life. That those things should shape our ways of looking at life seems only natural, but those things must not define who we are as individuals.  This applies, I think, to the loss of a loved one as well as to the loss of an election.     

In December, I got to see something that I have wanted to see since I was very young, a space launch at Cape Canaveral,  this was that of an Air Force communications satellite.  There was not the drama of seeing the launch of human beings into space, but it was still an awesome thing to watch. 

I really like the CBS show "Pure Genius."   It is about a Silicon Valley type that founds a hospital with an innovative, high tech approach to treating hopeless illnesses.  It is amazing in that most of the ideas in the story lines are based on actual research being done.  We are capable of such awesome things. 

Thinking about recent events in Chicago: What is it that would make people think that capturing and torturing another human being--on camera-- is justifiable in some way, and thus OK to be put out there for the whole world to see? ISIS does crap like that!  Perhaps those four criminals in Chicago would be better dealt with in the same way we would deal with ISIS, but my better angels prevail. 

Speaking of Chicago, what is up with that city?   (Its a rhetorical question...)
I think that one key to understanding a Trump presidency might be found in the "Ferengi Rules of Acquisition" (Outside of the cast of "Big Bang Theory" and Trek fans like myself,  the origin of this thought might get lost.  Read it anyway, its funny.) 

I am listening to a channel that plays music from the 1960's as I write this.  Why is it that when I was a young person listening to that music, all I wanted to do was get older?  Now that I am older, I wish I had that time back again.   (With the proviso that I know what I know now.   Talk about being dangerous! 😀)

Man, that music was good!  Especially Motown.

My dog Maverick is getting old. He is about 81 in "dog years." Despite his being slow and cranky, I still aspire to be half the person he thinks I am. 

I lost my Mom in April of this past year.  She was 92.  I can only pray to be one quarter of the person she thought I was.  

It is much easier, I think, to wallow in our grief than it is to take something positive from it.  I think I will choose the high road.  

On with the new year!   

Wishing you every blessing in 2017! 


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