LAP 70!!!
Really? 70? Jeez… This week, I will start on my 70 th lap around the Sun. I can remember when I thought that was really old! It is, but wow. This will be my usual stream of random consciousness, thoughts about the world etc. But first, an update on yours truly: In my last entry, I related my experiences with prostate cancer and treatment. I finished radiation treatments in early October. In December, I had blood work done so that the doctors could get a look-see at my PSA. I was supposed to see the oncologist on January 4 and the urologist on January 11. The oncologist rescheduled. So, it was up to the urologist to tell me what the numbers mean. My PSA is, effectively, zero. Nada. Zilch. (it is actually a miniscule number, but it is unlikely to ever be zero, so the docs deem the low number as “0”. That is wonderful news! It means that the cancer is,...